Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Alpha Dev. & Test Plan

Wednesday 18, 2012

My team Healthinauts where putting the final touches this week for our Alpha and our presentation for Tuesday. We where putting together our parts that we had update and making sure there was no bugs in our Alpha.

For my part I tested my audio in a couple of places to make sure it was running right. After my recording sessions I would bounce the sound effects or mix the music to two track from Pro Tools to a wave file and play them back on iTunes to check levels. If all was well I would test sounds on my Mac at home and then my PC laptop. Why I did this is because the studio Mac would be running on studio monitor so you would hear sounds so clear and loud. When I run it on my Mac at home I would just run it on the though the Mac monitors which is the standard Mac Pro monitors. They give about an average amount level in these speakers that the listener can hear. The PC laptop is the last place I test, because the speakers in the laptop have the softest. If I can not hear the sound or music very well that means I have to go back into the Pro Tools session to fix the audio by mixing it louder without distorting the art that I created. Otherwise I remix everything until it is prefect.

I then brought my audio to the guys on Monday to test and program the audio inside our Alpha, which we are using Flash. Sometimes Pro Tools bounces its audio in a different sample rate or resolution that the game engine does not like and I have to go back to my audio files and convert them to what the engine wants. I did not have to do this, this time. Flash took the audio files and played them and was able to program the audio into the script with no problems this time.

I worked with Geoff one of my team mates on the Captain Heart game and tested this out. Everything went smoothly when programing the audio into our Alpha this week.
  Screen shot of the Script inside Flash

Things I would change is maybe the length in some of my sound effects. It is very had to estimate how long to have a sound effect for each mini game with each different team member wanting something different every time.

We did our team's presentation yesterday, I hope we did well enough with the teachers to get a good grade. Though they gave us a lot to think of areas that we need improving in (graphics, mini games, etc.) of our game.

Well that is it until next time.....

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